Servanthood In The Kingdom of God

Servant hood in the kingdom are services rendered to humanity. In the kingdom of God the greatest of all is the servant of all. Our service to God is validated when we serve men.

To the world greatness is seen in Power, Influence and Possessions, but in the kingdom greatness is seen by service rendered to humanity. We have many people in the church today who wants to be leaders without serving, not knowing that base on kingdom principle leadership is service itself.

In Mark 10:43 Jesus said whosoever wants to become great must first be a servant. Those who love to serve, watch them they are the great leaders. Those who want to lead may not be a good leader.

Having a servant heart is the first process of being a servant, some servant don’t have the heart of a servant, they are serving because of conditions not willingly. A servant heart is not self centered or gain oriented, they love to serve. When your service is self centered you are not a true servant.

In our today world you see leaders who are self-centered, they don’t care for the people they lead, they are interested in what they would gain from the people. Some serve to show up, they only serve when they are seen by the pastor, elders or their boss in their work place.
When what they are doing is in private they can’t serve. A Good leader must learn the act of service to humanity, that is what God expect from us. Be ready to serve everyday, anywhere and anyhow God wants it.

As a man or woman of service you make your self always available to serve. as far there is need for service you are available. that’s what God wants.
When you are always available for service God trust you with greater Grace, Position and Anointing etc.
If your service is determined by places, times and days the you are not a good servant, a good servant is always ready.
Are you available to be use by God anytime, can God change your plans for you to do his own plans.

Real servant is interested in needs, they check for needs they can serve or meet. they don’t look for position to carry, they look for need to fulfill, they look for things to do. There is great treasure in servanthood people haven’t discovered yet, we always discover positions without discovering service. If every leaders today are servant they won’t be any problem in leadership.

Most leaders are just rulers, they rule people’s life without rendering service to humanity. they are interested in forcing men to do what they themselves cannot do or cannot stand. As a great leader you must be ready to serve, serve even to the least of the people you are leading. you cannot lead people you don’t love, first you must love them and you are ready to serve them with your best.

Real servant serve with their highest capacity, they serve with what they have. and they are ready to do more when they have more. What they have doesn’t stop them from rendering service, if they have little they would serve with their little they have. So if they have much they would also serve with that. Don’t wait for much before you serve, start from what you have. God told moses what do you have in your hand, and moses just had a staff, and God said work with that.

What you have is enough for you to use it and serve. there are people for instance God wants them to preach to their friends about Jesus, and they would say I can’t, I don’t know much about scripture. they don’t know the basics they know is what would save their friends that is why God led them to reach out to their friends with the Gospel. Some God wants them to join the choir in their local church, and they would say I can’t, I don’t know how to sing much. Not knowing that they can serve with the little they have.

Real servant are faithful to their service and ministry, God need a good and faithful servant. When you are not faithful to service the you are not ready to serve.

Faithfulness is key to service, keep doing what God ask you to do, don’t do today and quiet. Jesus said he that put his hands in the plough and look back is not fit for the kingdom of God. God doesn’t invest in unfaithful servant, God is only interested in servant who are faithful to that which he has called them to do.

God always Invest in servant who are faithful to there ministry, are you a faithful servant or you are not consistent with that which God has giving you to serve.

Be a faithful servant and watch God lift you as a servant of Christ

Written By: Onyeka Jesusboy
(Tabernacle Channel Writer & Editor)

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